

Biblicalprophecies on the Prophet Muhammad

“I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him...\" More

Biblicalprophecies on the Prophet Muhammad


Why Not Portraying Prophet Muhammad?

People are getting their only knowledge of Islam from the TV or from newspaper articles and very often the “Islam-related” topics have very little to do with the real Islam at all. More

Why Not Portraying Prophet Muhammad?


Was Prophet Muhammad Anti Semitic?

The charge of ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Jews of Madinah is a baseless accusation. Read the article to be enlightened! More

Was Prophet Muhammad Anti Semitic?

Muslim Minority

Prophet Muhammad’s Life On American TV

A leading US television network will start airing a documentary on the life of the prophet Muhammad. More

Prophet Muhammad’s Life On American TV
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