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Trump spotlighted his plan to ban Muslims from entering the United States - temporarily and with exceptions, he said - and to build a wall along the southern border, AP reported on Tuesday.
With the opening 2016 primary contest four weeks away, Trump spotlighted his plan to ban Muslims from entering the United States - temporarily and with exceptions, he said - and to build a wall along the southern border, AP reported on Tuesday.
Trump’s campaign said he plans to spend $2 million a week on the ad, began airing Tuesday across Iowa and New Hampshire.
The new ad features dark images of the San Bernardino shooters, as well as body bags and explosions.
“The politicians can pretend it’s something else. But Donald Trump calls it … terrorism. That’s why he’s calling for a temporary shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until we can figure out what’s going on,” a narrator says.
Video footage later in the ad shows people apparently streaming freely across a border as a narrator says Trump will “stop illegal immigrants by building a wall on our southern border that Mexico will pay for.”
His campaign elaborated in a statement, saying the selection of footage was intended “to demonstrate the severe impact of an open border and the very real threat Americans face if we do not immediately build a wall and stop illegal immigration.”
The ad, posted on Trump’s website Monday, is a departure from the typical introductory campaign spot, which typically introduces a candidate to voters.
Trump’s proposal on Muslims has been condemned by Republicans and Democrats as un-American and counter-productive, yet the hard-line approach to immigration has fueled his popularity among the overwhelmingly white GOP primary electorate.
An ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted in December found that 6 in 10 Americans think a ban on Muslims entering the United States is the wrong thing to do. Among only Republicans, however, 6 in 10 say they would support such a policy.
The ad represents the billionaire businessman’s first foray into television advertising after spending much of 2015 dominating polls without spending significant resources - at least compared to his rivals.
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