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Dr. Ragheb El-Sergani, General-Supervisor of Islam Story Web Site, stressed that the intimidation campaigns and misstatements conducted against Islam are not original; however, from decades and years in the past.
They started since the year 1952 by president Gamal `Abdel-Nasser and reached its culmination at time of the deposed president Hosni Mubarak.
Dr. Ragheb stated that during a lecture titled "Suspicions against the Muslim rule" through his weekly lesson conducted on Tuesdays March 22nd 2011immediately after `Isha prayer in Ar-Rawas mosque, As-Sayeda Zaynab district, Cairo.
On the reaction of the Egyptians regarding such misstatements, Dr. Ragheb suggested that a questionnaire or realistic survey should be conducted to examine the condition of Islam phobia of Egyptians or it is only an alleged false impression.
Dr. Ragheb pointed out that there is no condition of Islam phobia as to Egyptians and that Egyptian Muslims affected by Islam phobia, other than non-Muslims, may range from 5 to7%.
Dr. Ragheb declared that the actual trouble exists in the influential satellite channels and newspapers circulating their intellectual attitude though they are small in number on one hand. On the other, the Islamic movements lack to the influential media and isolation.
Dr. Ragheb stated that it is not wisdom to enforce the law of Shari`ah all at once. He added that the Muslim rulers should contemplate on the advice of the caliph `Umar ibn `Abdel-`Aziz to his son on assuming the caliphate: "Oh son, if I forced Muslims to the ordinances of Shari`ah all at once, they would collectively renounce them". Progression is a cosmic, and Shar`i as well, established norm.
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