Judaism is one of the important Semitic religions. Its followers are known as Jews and they believe in the prophetic mission of Prophet Moses (pbuh). More

Islam Around the World
Many people may be astonished to know that Belgrade was once an Islamic city. It was considered the "Andalus" of the Balkans, in terms of culture and education More

Political & Administrative Sciences
Hisbah The post of Hisbah (regulation of economic, commercial, and public matters) arose together with the position of judge; as a result of expansion of the worldly affairs in the Islamic caliphate More

Political & Administrative Sciences
Divan.Divan is a Farsi word, which means in Arabic a logbook or a register. On its terminological definition, Al-Mawardi says: “it is a place where anything related to the affairs of the Sultanate, business, finance, armies and workers is recorded.” More

Political & Administrative Sciences
Post The Islamic civilization paid great attention to post (Barid) and communication systems, which were introduced when the Islamic state expanded and the need to establish an administrative system More

Moral Civilization
Police is considered one of the important offices in the Islamic State and a prominent landmark in the society and people's lives More

Moral Civilization
Parents are the couple after they had been endowed with children and became responsible for children and offspring for whose sake they sacrifice, More

Moral Civilization
In a clear and basic rule about the religious freedom and the freedom of expression in Islam, God Almighty says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error.” [Al-Baqara: 256]. More

Moral Civilization
Children in Islam are the joy of life and sight of the sore eyes. Islam paid a special attention to children and the Islamic Sharia stated that children have rights and duties toward the parents. More

Islamic Civilization & West
The eternity of civilizations is measured by the amount of the everlasting contributions they offer to the history of humanity in various aspects of thought, sciences, and morals More

Islamic Art & Beauty
Islam’s care for outer beauty of manAllah created man in the best shape and form. More

نصيحتي لك: اذكر الله [1 / 12]
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