Prophet Muhammad & Sunnah
Muhammad (may Allah›s blessings and peace be upon him) the son of Abdullah, was born in Makkah around the year 570 C.E. More
Prophet Muhammad & Sunnah
In his presidential campaign, Donald Trump notoriously said, “I think Islam hates us.” As is usual with this erratic, fact-free president, the assertion is not true More
Islam Around the World
It was the moment which set Spain on a course to become the greatest power in early modern Europe More
The amount of action and the amazing stories that took place during the hijrah grabbed the attention away from the roles played by some Companions before the hijrah and away from the hijrah scene. More
Do you have plans to do Hajj this year? There is a great reward waiting for you if you are careful enough about your behavior during the journey: More
Now, let’s get back to our topic. This article will focus on Salah and its related activities More
When talking about ways to seek Allah's forgiveness,Tawbah comes at the top of the list. More
In the period of the Successors, too, women held important positions as scholars of Hadith. More
History records few scholarly enterprises, at least before modern times, in which women have played an important and active role side by side with men. The science of Hadith forms an outstanding More
Sahabiyyat (Female Companions)
Fatimah was the fifth child of Muhammad and Khadijah. She was born at a time when her noble father had begun to spend long periods in the solitude of mountains around Makkah More
Comparing what happened to Baghdad at the hands of Mongols to what happened at the hands of Americans, we find many similarities. Americans appeared on the stage so suddenly, More
Islam Around the World
Many people may be astonished to know that Belgrade was once an Islamic city. It was considered the "Andalus" of the Balkans, in terms of culture and education More
Political & Administrative Sciences
Hisbah The post of Hisbah (regulation of economic, commercial, and public matters) arose together with the position of judge; as a result of expansion of the worldly affairs in the Islamic caliphate More
Prophet Muhammad & Sunnah
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Messenger of Mercy, turned a society that was plagued with crimes and injustices into one that Muslims believe was utopian. More
Prophet Muhammad & Sunnah
The claims that the Prophet Muhammad suffered from epilepsy rests on a number of shaky assumptions not supported by medical research. More
Italy’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia accepted Islam. Torquato Cardilli revealed his decision on November 25, 2001, his 59th birthday. More
Muslim Conquests
They allege that Islam was spread by sword and intolerant of other faiths; More
British Filip Wales, 42 years, converts to Islam in Al-Wadi Al-jadid Governorate, Egypt. More
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