Some of the following tips can help a person get through Ramadan if they are also struggling with an addiction: More
The greatest prize that one may receive during these days is the Night of Al-Qadr, it is better than 83 years. More
When the fasting person becomes angry or nervous, the excretion of adrenaline in his blood increases. More
Virtues in Ramadan is countless, read some below to attain the reward from Allah Almighty. More
If we think deeply about our lives and time, we will be sure that in each second and minute we live there are many chances that never return again. More
The second goal which I earnestly shall seek by the end of the most beautiful Ramadan is to be described as “pious”. More
This signifies that the gates of hell fire are not closed all the year, but closed at certain times, like in Ramadan. More
A great event is imminent to approach the earth; laws of the universe will alter by the order of its Lord, Allah Almighty to a state of purity, tranquility. More
Al-Isra and Al-Miraj
Gabriel let the Prophet lead all the prophets in Prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque on the night of the Prophet’s Ascension has much significance as follows: More
نصيحتي لك: اذكر الله [1 / 12]
سلسلة «نصيحتي لك» يقدم فيها فضيلة الأستاذ الدكتور راغب السرجاني لفتات وومضات سريعة من الشريعة لكل مسلم، ما أحوجنا إليها الآن وفي كل آن!
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