Adam was a test for the satan and satan was a test for Adam. Satan hated Adam, and he decided to try to deviate him from the right way and to deviate his children af More
Reviving 354 Sunnah
Fitrah is meant to refer to the nature that leads to the true faith (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone), and to like the good and dislike the bad. This sound Fitrah is instincted into every human More

On Monday, November 19, 2012, Dr. Ragheb El-Sergani, a Member of the International Union for Muslim Scholars and General Supervisor of Islam Story website, will head to Gaza strip to provide support More

People are getting their only knowledge of Islam from the TV or from newspaper articles and very often the “Islam-related” topics have very little to do with the real Islam at all. More

Islam Empowered
Spain’s football giants Real Madrid have rebranded its logo to remove a Christian cross in an effort to gain more popularity among Muslims around the world. More

Mantra, Bhavishya Purana, Ram’s Shart Mans made by Ram and Mantra from the Atharvaveda mention prophecies about our prophet Muhammad (PBUH). What are they? More
The time of darkness, in their sight, began with the flood of Noah [peace be upon him]. The Hindu Scriptures state that, in all these cycles, Allâh sent Messengers. Some of their books enumerate the More
“Narashnus” is a Sanskrit dissyllabic word: “Nar” stands for man. The second syllable is “Ashnus” which means the one praised and appreciated very much. Being so, it is a full synonym of More
Readers Articles
The Quran clearly tells us that we will be resurrected and that we will eat and drink in Paradise. More
The charge of ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Jews of Madinah is a baseless accusation. Read the article to be enlightened! More

There are some who believe that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) founded Islam and Muslims worship him as well as Allah. More

From 1405 until 1433, Zheng He led 7 great maritime expeditions. He crossed the great oceans and seas several times. From the South China Sea to the east coast of Africa, passing through the Indian More

A one-day experience of wearing hijab has led a 21-year-old Briton to read more about Islam and eventually embracing the religion. More

Islamic History
King Louis IX descended with his army in Damietta on 20 Safar 647 A.H., and unfortunately, the defending garrison thought that the ill king As-Saalih had died, hence, it unjustifiably withdrew, and More

Islamic History
King As-Saalih availed himself of this opportunity and headed towards Bayt Al-Maqdis, which the Ayyubids of Shaam had previously given up for the Crusaders, and intruded the fortresses of the More

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