The Prophet (PBUH) saw a dream that he was performing ‘Hajj. When he mentioned this to his companions, they (around 1400 of them) gladly agreed to join the Prophet for ‘Umrah. This was the sixth More
Undoubtedly, no one can be more truthful and honest than the Messengers of Allah. Muhammad (peace be upon him) proved by his living example that he was the most truthful and honest person of his age More
Anas, a close Companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) reported, "A Jewish woman brought a poisoned lamb to the Prophet, and he ate of it More
Success of the Second 'Aqabah Pledge resulted in a considerable increase of the number of Ansar (Supporters), who accepted to host Allah's messenger (peace be upon him) and to willingly protect him More
Following the Prophet's example in any situation is to make sure of choosing the right course of action. Some people may think that this applies to matters of religion only. In Islam there is no More
Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the son of Abd Allah, an Arab trader and Aminah, born in the year 570 A.D. More
Muhammad (pbuh) left Mecca to spend Ramadan in the cave. In the second half of Ramadan, Allah began to reveal His message for mankind through Muhammad. More
He had lived his whole life in purity and virtue among them and this was acknowledged even by his most staunch enemies. They knew that he was the most honest and truthful person among them. More
نصيحتي لك: اذكر الله [1 / 12]
سلسلة «نصيحتي لك» يقدم فيها فضيلة الأستاذ الدكتور راغب السرجاني لفتات وومضات سريعة من الشريعة لكل مسلم، ما أحوجنا إليها الآن وفي كل آن!
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