

Muslim Minority

Mosque Raids Anger Czech Muslims

Muslim leaders in the Czech Republic have voiced deep concerns over a police raid that targeted worshippers during Friday prayers at Islamic institutions in Prague over the weekend, warning that such raids could fuel anti-Muslim sentiments in the European country. More

Mosque Raids Anger Czech Muslims

Muslim Minority

9/11 Muslim Hero Honored At Last

Thirteen years after a US Muslim police cadet lost his life while helping victims at World Trade Center in 9/11, officials in New York’s Queens Borough have decided to rename a street after the Muslim hero, giving him a deserved honor at last. More

9/11 Muslim Hero Honored At Last

Islamic World

Dubai jails Scorpions drummer Kottak

The drummer for the German rock band Scorpions has been sentenced to one month in jail in Dubai for offensive behaviour, according to local media. More

Dubai jails Scorpions drummer Kottak

World News

Happy Muslims Arrive Chicago

Joining the Chorus of happy dancing Muslims that extended form UK to Washington DC, Chicago Muslims have created a new version Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” to fight negative stereotypes of Muslims. More

Happy Muslims Arrive Chicago

World News

French Football Coach Embraces Islam

A former international French football player who currently coaches Algerian premier league’s Laghouat Club has embraced Islam, officially announcing his decision during last Friday prayer. More

French Football Coach Embraces Islam

Muslim Minority

Virginia’s Islam Booth Defies Misconceptions

Enthusiastic Muslim students at Virginia Tech university have set up an information booth at their university’s Squires building, offering skeptic students better information about their faith and tackling misconceptions from its roots. More

Virginia’s Islam Booth Defies Misconceptions

Muslim Minority

Swiss Muslims Get First Academic Center

Switzerland’s first Islamic research center has opened its doors to promote the moderate values of Islam in the European country and offer Swiss Muslim a rare Islamic education in Deutsche. More

Swiss Muslims Get First Academic Center

Islamic World

Al-Azhar Grand Imam Invited to World Cup

Putting the final touches on World Cup preparations, Brazilian officials have invited Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, the highest seat of religious learning in the Sunni world, to give a speech at the inauguration ceremony of the world’s largest sports event. More

Al-Azhar Grand Imam Invited to World Cup

Muslim Minority

Muslims’ Green Khutba Marks Earth Day

Muslims across the world will commemorate Earth Day on Friday, April 18th, 2014, with the ‘Green Khutbah Campaign’ as religious leaders deliver a sermon to raise awareness on the environmental challenges facing humanity. More

Muslims’ Green Khutba Marks Earth Day

Muslim Minority

Trojan Horse Plot

islam, Muslims, Birmin, uk, britain, media, More

Trojan Horse Plot

World News

Christians Link Blood Moons to Jesus Return

For many astronomers, the occurrence of blood moon eclipse on Tuesday, April 15, is a natural phenomenon that is worthy of examination. The concept is very much different for some Christians who see the phenomenon as a sign that Jesus will return to earth and Armageddon. More

Christians Link Blood Moons to Jesus Return

Muslim Minority

Colorado Students Showcase Islam Diversity

Planning a series of events across the whole week, Muslim students at Colorado State University hope to offer students a closer look onto diversity within Islam as well as correcting misconceptions about their faith. More

Colorado Students Showcase Islam Diversity